Generic Cialis from My Legacy Pharmacy



Cialis is one of the medications that help to solve erection problems by increasing the blood flow in a penis. As a result, a man gets a stronger and longer erection and avoids premature ejaculations.
Like with other drugs for erectile dysfunction, taking Cialis does not cause an erection by itself. It works together with sexual stimulation only. However, it is a kind of advantage, since taking a pill will not lead to accidental erections at awkward moments. Such situations may be quite embarrassing.
One should also note that Tadalafil, which is the main component of Cialis, is used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia. And the last-named diagnosis may be the reason for erectile dysfunction, and in such cases taking the medication will produce a double effect. The main difference between Cialis and other drugs for erectile dysfunction is the period of activity. The effect of one Cialis pill lasts about 36 hours, and, as for Viagra or Levitra, they work for up to 7 hours.
That’s why Cialis is frequently called “a weekend pill”. If you do not want your partner to know about your sexual problems, you can take it at home before going to a restaurant or other place where you arrange a date. Speaking about other similar drugs, in most cases you will have to take them half an hour before starting sexual activities, so it will be more difficult for you to keep your secret. Besides, sometimes men get so absorbed in the communication with a partner that they forget to take a pill on time. Such an oversight may lead to all sorts of embarrassing situations that may absolutely spoil a romantic evening. Even if your partner knows about your health problems, you do not want to place extra focus on them, do you?
What is Generic Cialis?
Generic Cialis is a more affordable alternative to brand pills. Comparing with brand medications, generics have the same active ingredients and work in the identical way. Switching to generics you may save up to 80%. And that’s a crucial point, when it comes to drugs for erectile dysfunction, since most insurance companies do not cover expenses on this kind of medicines.
Sure, you do not want to risk your health in order to save a couple of dollars, and you don’t need to. The reduction in price is associated with saving on patents, researches, tests, as well as salaries (generics are frequently produced in developing countries), it does not affect the safety or effectiveness of medications. So, generic Cialis provides the opportunity to save on medicines without compromising your health. Why should you miss such a great opportunity?
How to Take?
Before starting to take generic Cialis, one should obligatory have a consultation with his doctor. Most men use the medicine when necessary, i.e. before having sex. You will have to wait for 30 minutes minimum to feel the effect. Sometimes it may take up to 60 minutes. Keep that in mind. Some men, who regularly have sex, prefer using the medication on a daily basis. In such cases the dose is significantly reduced. Regardless of the dose, you should not take the pill more often than once per 36 hours, if you do not stick to a daily scheme. It is not advisable to have more than 2 portions of alcohol 12 hours prior and 12 hours past taking the pill. Such a combination may lead to serious health problems.
What are the Contraindications to the Usage of Generic Cialis?
When you come to your doctor to have a prescription for Cialis, be sure to tell him about all the medicines (including herbs) you take and all the health problems you suffer from. Special care should be taken in case of any cardiovascular diseases, angina or blood tension problems, as well as using several other drugs that interact with Cialis. These are CYP3A4 inhibitors, nitrates, alpha- and beta-blockers, medicines for hypertension.
Generic Cialis may cause such side effects:
- headaches, back pains, chest pains, pains in muscles;
- digestive disorders;
- nasal congestion;
- heat waves;
- hypotension;
- fainting;
- hearing and vision problems;
- an erection that lasts over 4 hours.
In case you notice any of the symptoms specified above, turn to a doctor immediately. In most cases reducing a dose helps to avoid side effects in the future. Sometimes doctors recommend switching to a different medicine for erectile dysfunction.
Where to Buy Generic Cialis?
Generics can be purchased in online pharmacies only. On the Internet, there are hundreds of drugstores offering generic Cialis at attractive prices. Most of them are trustworthy enough, but there are exceptions. So, one should be cautious, while choosing a suitable website. It is preferable to order in the pharmacies that have some experience of working in the industry and can boast a large number of positive reviews left by customers. If you see that the company is a newcomer, it is advisable to make a small investigation. One more alert detail is the prices that are too low. They should not be dramatically lower than at other online drugstores. Such a great reduction in price may be associated with the low quality of medicines.
Buying generic Cialis and other medications on the website of My Canadian Pharmacy, you can be absolutely sure that you will get the products of the excellent quality at the most advantageous price. Every medicine that can be found at this drugstore has obligatory undergone safety and effectiveness tests. One should also note that this company uses a complex approach to working with customers. They do not just sell medicines, they also offer free consultations with specialists and provide professional support during a course of treatment. And as for privacy issues, the pharmacy does not specify any information about the drugs you order on the packages or in the bills. So, no one will learn about your delicate problems.
Disclaimer: This article is written and posted for the sake of information. You should not use it as a guide or instruction. Before starting to take generic Cialis, have a consultation with your doctor. is not liable for any harm or expenses associated with using generic Cialis.