Cialis Professional 20mg (Tadalafil): Dosages, Classification, Side Effects
Unfortunately, the realities of modern life are detrimental to the main virtue of men – potency. Frequent stress, sedentary lifestyle, poor ecology and bad habits steal men’s health and instill a sense of insecurity and despair. Indeed, this delicate problem should not be left without attention. But for many representatives of the stronger sex consultation by a specialist is comparable to the defeat and recognition of his sexual incapacity. Therefore, the way to increase potency is Cialis Professional for men shy about their problem. It is a worthy alternative that is able to preserve male “little secrets”.






Cialis Professional Dosages
Generic Cialis Professional is able to safely get rid of problems with erection. Its improved formula gives the drug new properties. Erection becomes stronger and long-lasting, orgasms get emotionally more saturated. In addition, the maximum filling of penis with blood can significantly increase its size that will bring man’s sexual life to a new level.
Cialis Professional is one of PDE5 inhibitors the main advantage of which lies in its high selective effect on male reproductive system. This important discovery made it possible to effectively solve a whole complex of male problems without harm to health or detrimental effects on other organs and systems of organism. In general, Cialis Professional’s active substance, tadalafil, allows a patient to block PDE5 enzyme and directly increase cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) by exposure to nitrogen oxide in response to sexual arousal. Thus, there is a standard process of sexual arousal and erection occurrence.
Tadalafil is able to increase cGMP by several times, since it acts gently and naturally and leads to occurrence of a high-quality and long-lasting erection. An outstanding feature of tadalafil differentiating it from other PDE5 inhibitors is a record-breaking long-term beneficial effect lasting up to 36 hours. During this period along with sexual stimulation, you can have successful sex. Clinical studies have not revealed a negative effect of tadalafil on spermatogenesis.
Cialis Professional is an effective medicine of a new generation, which allows to reliably relieve men from problems with potency. Despite the fact that the causes of erectile dysfunction are very diverse, tadalafil is able to quickly cope with any of them without harming other organs and systems. You can use Cialis Professional regardless of age, if you are already 18 years old; older people are not required to adjust the dosage.
Medical consultation is mandatory before the use of Cialis Professional, despite good clinical indicators and compatibility with other medications, it is necessary to consult a doctor for qualified consultation. To this end, you should contact your doctor, therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist and other specialists. They will help you choose the optimal dosage for administration and determine possible restrictions to Cialis Profession application.
Cialis Professional Increases Potency
Today, like many centuries ago, medicine offers men to use the means designed to stimulate erection. Their principle of action based on the relaxation of smooth muscles and increased blood circulation to the genital organs promotes a fully-realized coitus and elimination of psychological uncertainty. One of them having proved itself on the world market is Cialis Professional. This drug has a prolonged duration of action positively affecting not only normalization of blood circulation in pelvic area, but also improves psycho-emotional components of sexual life. After all, it’s not for nothing that many sexologists assure that all the problems of erectile dysfunction are formed in men’s heads.
Administration and Posology
Cialis Professional is an effective remedy that leads to relaxation of smooth muscle cells to boost blood flow to penile tissues and improve erection. Cialis Professional does not work if you are not sexually tuned. The medication improves erection and allows you to achieve a successful sexual intercourse. The drug is functional for 36 hours. If sexual arousal is present, the effect manifests itself even within 16 minutes after the drug was taken.
The main characteristics of Cialis Professional:
- You will always have sexual desire;
- You will have energy and stamina during sex;
- Your penis will be strong and hard to helps most sufferers from erectile dysfunction to maintain and preserve a fantastic erection.
Take Cialis Professional 20-30 minutes before sexual intercourse and your partner will be satisfied as never before. Please, note that Cialis Professional can be taken with food. It acts for so long that you’ll have enough time for all your feats in bed. The main advantage of Cialis is the time of its operation. Having administered one tablet, you will be ready for sexual activity in half an hour, and this effect will last 1,5 days. Thus, you will get almost unlimited possibilities for choosing the time for an excellent pastime.
Daily recommended dose of Cialis Professional is 20 mg. It should be taken at least 16 minutes before sexual activity. Take Cialis once a day and do not exceed the recommended dose. Tadalafil is taken before planned sexual activity regardless of food intake. Patients can attempt to have intercourse at any time within 36 hours after taking the drug in order to establish an optimal response time for taking the drug. The maximum recommended frequency of reception is once a day.
Classification and Mechanisms
Cialis Professional is the latest word among the drugs for improving potency and treating men for erectile dysfunction. The drug for increasing endurance and energy during sex is an effective, reversible selective inhibitor of specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). When sexual arousal causes local release of nitrogen oxide, the inhibition of PDE5 by tadalafil leads to an increase in cGMP levels in the cavernous body of penis. The consequence of this process is relaxation of smooth muscles of arteries to enhance the flow of blood penile tissues and cause an erection. Tadalafil has no effect in the absence of sexual stimulation.
Advantages of Cialis Professional
Men who have a decreased potency level often experience a strong sense of fear of sexual intercourse. Waiting for a love failure and partner’s misunderstanding becomes akin to the road to the scaffold, and many men refuse to go along it. But withdrawal of the problem is not its solution. Cialis Professional is able like nothing else to help in resolving this vicious circle. One of its main advantages is, as already noted above, the prolonged principle of action. Long-playing effect lasts up to 36 hours and makes a man regain confidence in his abilities and completely get rid of fear of failure.
But still the main advantage of this remedy lies in its other effects. In contrast to traditional Cialis which works only after 1,5-2 hours after the intake, generic Cialis Professional is absorbed much faster and thanks to its improved formula, the time of effect can be as low as 15-20 minutes, which is especially important on the threshold of a romantic date.
Another virtue of Cialis Professional is that, unlike other ED drugs, for example, Viagra, it is fully compatible with alcohol. This fact sometimes plays a very important role, because a romantic dinner accompanied by a glass of wine is considered an integral part of a romantic meeting and no less intriguing continuation. Therefore, sexologists recommend using Cialis Professional for men who do not feel like being constrained. But nevertheless, the main advantage of this remedy is potency boost. Thanks to the improved formula, the drug is digested much faster and its onset time can be about 60 minutes, as opposed to the usual Cialis, which starts working in 1,5-2 hours after administration.
By the way, Cialis Professional can be used by those who have no problems with potency. This is especially true for men who live with one partner for a long time and have a monotonous sexual life. Just one tablet is able to change the habitual “bed” style and color an intimate life with new shades. Moreover, many men claim that their partners fell in love again and began to show no less piquant initiative after such pleasant surprises.
Let us sum up Cialis Professional advantages:
- Prolonged impact. Only tadalafil of all PDE5 inhibitors has a record-breaking long positive effect, reaching up to 36 hours;
- Decreased onset time. Cialis Professional reduces the time needed for rest and recovery between sexual acts;
- Penis enlargement. Due to increased blood flow to pelvic area, there is a strong filling of his blood, which makes it possible to significantly increase the penis in volume.
Possible Restrictions to Cialis Professional Application
Do not use this drug in case:
- you have a confirmed the fact of hypersensitivity to tadalafil or other ingredients constituting the product;
- you apply medications containing nitrates in any form;
- your age and sex fall into strict restrictions to Cialis Professional use: it cannot be used by persons under 18 years, women and children;
- a number of diseases prevent you from intense sexual activity, especially when it comes to cardiovascular pathology;
- a person suffers from severe cardiac rhythm disturbances, hypotension and hypertensive crisis;
- a man uses the drug in combination with other types of remedies for potency.
Preparation Cialis Professional in a dosage of 20 mg should be used perorally, washed down with a copious amount of water 30-40 minutes prior to intimacy. The peculiarity of this drug lies in the possibility to have sexual intercourse any time within 36 hours, which is very convenient to use, for example, on weekends, one tablet will solve all sexual problems in intimate sphere within the course of two days.
Patients with hepatic and renal issues and persons at the age of more than 65 years do not need to individually select the dosage. However, if you have a number of chronic diseases, it is more advisable to consult a doctor before using Cialis Professional.
Practical Recommendations
If you have a worse potency, do not panic and succumb to despair. Most likely, your problems are temporary and associated with such factors as stress, sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition and sexual monotony. You can completely resolve the situation yourself. Take a vacation, go in for sports, adjust your diet and try a way to increase the potency with Cialis Professional. And very soon, you will notice that your sexual life has changed for the better.
Storage Requirements
Store at room temperature away from moisture, sunlight, children and pets in a sealed container. Store at temperatures below 30 degrees Celsius in the original package. Keep out of the reach of children. Sexual activity has a potential risk for patients with cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the treatment of erectile dysfunction, including application of Cialis Professional should not be performed by men with heart diseases for which sexual activity is not recommended.
Possible Side-Effects
The most frequently reported adverse effects are headache and dyspepsia (11 and 7% of cases, respectively). Undesired effects generally associated with administration of tadalafil were usually of mild or medium severity, transient and decreased with continued use of the drug. Other common undesirable effects were back pain, myalgia, nasal congestion, and blushing. Rarely, edema of the eyelids, pain in the eyes, hyperemia and dizziness may occur.
Everything You Wanted to Know about Cialis Professional
What is Cialis Professional?
This is a unique assistant for those men who have problems with weak or absent erection. In contrast to its analogues, such as Viagra or Levitra, Cialis Professional has longer duration of action: up to 36 hours. For a fully-realized effect of this drug, a crucial prerequisite is presence and stimulation by a sexual partner. The drug includes tadalafil which is responsible for a persistent strong erection for a long time.
How does Cialis work?
After taking this remedy, penis acquires a fairly firm erection within 15-30 minutes in order to perform sexual intercourse. In addition to its direct function, Cialis Professional gives natural sensations, that is, everything happens as if a man returned to youth and is completely healthy. Unlike Viagra and other generics, Cialis Professional can be taken by men with mild renal and hepatic impairments in an uncompensated phase, since the drug does not adversely affect these organs. The remedy is also safe for the whole organism and does not have undesirable effects.
How to take Cialis Professional?
The remedy is intended for all male age groups regardless of meal and should be taken half an hour before sexual intercourse. After taking the pill, the effect lasts up to one and a half days, and during this time you can have as much sex as you want. However, if you are 65 years old, you should limit the number of sexual intercourses up to 2 per day in order to avoid undesirable consequences.
How does Cialis Professional affect libido?
It is very important to understand that this drug, like all generics, is not a remedy artificially increasing libido. Therefore, the reception of Cialis Professional will be effective only if there is a sexual partner.
Can Cialis Professional help for severe erectile dysfunction?
The drug is effective for any impairments of erectile dysfunction.
How does Cialis Professional affect the process of sperm formation?
The product is absolutely safe and does not interfere with male genital function. It preserves the quality and quantity of semen; all indexes of germ cells remain normal.
How long and often can I take Cialis Professional?
Cialis can be taken at will, depending on the nature and temperament of a person. However, in order not to get an overdose, it is not recommended to take the drug more than once a day.
Will the half of Cialis Professional’s pill work?
To get the most tangible effect of tadalafil, the drug is recommended to take in its usual dosage of 20 mg.
What are Cialis Professional contraindications?
Like all generics, Cialis Professional cannot be taken with medicines containing nitrates or donors of nitrous oxide. Also, be careful before using this medication if you suffer from cardiovascular disease. Do not take the drug if you are hypersensitive to tadalafil and experience allergic reactions to this drug. It is also necessary to be extremely careful for those who have a congenital deformity of penis, that is, there is a curvature.
Can women administer Cialis Professional?
For the female population, special drugs have been developed that solve problems with sexual arousal, such as Female Cialis. As for Cialis Professional, it is intended solely for men.
Can Cialis Professional be taken by diabetics?
This drug is specifically designed for people who have health problems in general. Thus, Cialis Professional is allowed to be taken by diabetics with a very effective result.
I took Cialis Professional, but I do not feel the effect, will there be an erection?
It depends on what you do. If you are sitting at a computer or just reading a book, it’s useless to wait for signs of sexual arousal. First of all, it is necessary to see and feel the natural stimulant, a sexual partner. It is essential to understand that the drug has a kind of rejuvenating effect in order to recall the fullness and the most vivid satisfactions from sexual intercourse.
Is it possible to drive a car or another vehicle after Cialis Professional intake?
Yes. The drug does not affect the concentration of attention and ability to respond quickly to what is happening.
Does Cialis Professional have side-effects?
Due to the fact that the drug actively disperses blood throughout the body, sometimes there may occur facial redness, slight dizziness, and mild fever throughout the body. Also, nasal congestion, pain in eyes, redness of eyelids and impairment in gastrointestinal tract may occur.
What about drinking alcohol along with Cialis Professional?
There is no precise evidence that these substances are incompatible with each other. However, in order to obtain the expected effect from Cialis Professional, it is better to refrain from taking alcoholic beverages along with it. You’ll get a maximum effect from this drug and the most vivid sensations from coitus.
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